declare tablez cursor for
select schema_name([schema_id]),
from sys.tables t
left join sysarticles a
on t.[object_id] = a.[objid]
where OBJECTPROPERTY([object_id], 'IsMSShipped') = 0 --no system objects
and OBJECTPROPERTY([object_id], 'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 1 --only give me tables that can be replicated, please
and a.[objid] is null --not already an article
open tablez
declare @schema sysname, @table sysname, @fullname sysname
while (1=1)
fetch next from tablez into @schema, @table
if (@@FETCH_STATUS <> 0)
set @fullname = @schema + '.' + @table
exec sp_addarticle
@publication = 'Publication',
@article = @fullname,
@source_object = @table,
@destination_table = @table,
@type = 'logbased',
@destination_owner = @schema,
@status = 16,
@source_owner = @schema
close tablez
deallocate tablez
The astute among you might wonder why I named the cursor "tablez". I'll present you with two options.
- "tables" highlights as a system table in SSMS (a la sys.tables).
- I'm l33t.
I leave it to the reader to choose. As always, the standard warning applies.
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